We understand that having a spacious, clean gym locker room is an important part of your gym membership. With four private showers, televisions, and over 80 lockers, you will find our lockers rooms to be clean and comfortable at our gym. Lockers are available for gym members and guests to use while they are in the club.

Children age 4 and older are not allowed in the locker room of the opposite gender.
Cell phones are not to be used in the gym locker rooms to respect the rights of others personal privacy
You will need to bring you own padlock in order to lock your valuables
The gym cannot take responsibility for lost or stolen articles. It is the responsibility of each gym member and guest to properly secure their valuables. Avoid tempting potential thieves, and make sure your valuables are safe.
We cannot hold valuables at the service desk. Please do not ask gym staff to keep your wallet, watch or other personal items while you workout at our gym serving Springfield and Eugene.
All articles should be removed from your locker when you leave the rocker room. No over night or day time storage at our gym when you are not present.

Day Locker Use
Locks left on these lockers will be cut off at the end of each day and its contents will be bagged, dated, and left at the service desk for the owner to claim. As with lost and found items, these items will be kept at the desk for 2 weeks, after which time they will be discarded. We do not keep personal hygiene items at our gym.